Tuesday, October 2, 2012


hi i havent been here for awhile. normally dont blog becuz im happy but thats not the case and i dont know why either. i feel like no one is going to read whatever shit im going to type anyway but im still here typing. what the hell am i doing.

recently so many bad things are happening. okay not exactly bad but not really good either. i just wish things were better. ya you guys are probably saying, what bad things can happen to you cuz others are probably having it worse- the starving kids in africa blah blah blah. so if you put it that way isnt it saying that i cant be happy cuz others might have it better? lol. just a food for thought.

anyway to all those taking o levels out there i hope you guys are all well prepared and stuff. another 20+ days right? just bear with it for now cuz things are going to awesome once o levels end! :-) i remember when i got my results someone was like " huh you so smart ah? i thought you very stupid one" ya fuck you cuz i did better than you.lol and i did it without your tuition(s) so i can say that whatever that i have today is what i have worked so hard for. dont go looking down on people just because im in the last class of the express stream. look where you are now? lol. i didnt want to be so blunt but like, if im stupid then what r you. not like i got a single digit or what but i think 10 points is not that bad for a stupid person like me right. of cuz there are smarter people around but i dont go around calling people stupid.

so, for those taking o's, use this opportunity to work hard and prove others wrong. at the end of the day (as cliche as it sounds) you do reap what you sow. i wish you all the best, becuz i's like to believe the best in everyone. ^^


anyway day 3 is suppose to be a picture of somthing that you love. so, here is a picture of me and my 10 sisters. :-) i love them all.

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