Thursday, November 28, 2013


Finally putting this app into good use because I'm too lazy to turn on the laptop. Initially I wanted to use the iPad to type this delayed post but hafiz has been holding onto it so whatever. Side tracking. I really don't know what I'm using the iPad for. Maybe it's true when people say they use it to flaunt their richness but the weird thing is I'm not and I should prolly sell it sometime soon so I can use it the cash for something better. Like i dont know a legit watch?!?! 
Ok I'm ranting.... Moving on. 

Recently I have been addicted to this YouTube star called clothes encounters. I don't really know why because I honestly have no interest in fashion at all. but I love her attitude the way she portrays herself in such a unique and bubbly manner that it's almost crazy to not fall in love with. If you have the time do check her out. I also love how she isn't like those perfect stick models kinda girl. Like she had her period of fatness (lol is there even such a word) and lost weight from it. "Her determination is most admirable." haha sounds like I picked it out from a movie. I did. 

MSTs r cmg and I have like a test tomorrow but I'm still here lol fml. I should be sleeping rn but there so many things going on in my head. 

I like to be alone now. Wow surprise surprise hahaha. No seriously I mean it. I enjoy time alone reading books or just staring into blank space without having to please anyone. Sometimes friends r nice to be with but sometimes they aren't. so I decided to stay away. And i don't really care if I'm in your "gang" or not. Because at the end of the day I have myself and that's all there is. And then of course there is hafiz. Haha but he doesn't judge me. I would know - I have farted, dig my nose, burped infront of him so yeah. I mean he does that too so it's cool. 

I used to be someone that can't live without friends and I always thought that if I hang out more with them they would appreciate me more but that was the wrong concept of all time. If they love you it doesn't matter if you hang out or not you will still be in their hearts. And I appreciate those that fall in the latter category.

This is such an awkward ending but yeah. Till the next. X