Saturday, March 30, 2013

its time to start living

hi guys i have finally came to update this tiny tiny and not to mention dead space. i swear time passes damn quickly when you're in poly. i mean i cant believe i'm finally going to be year 2 in just a few more weeks! i still rmb when i first came to sp and realize how everyone was so grown up and shit and thinking how i want to be just like them. but here i am feeling not so grown up at all.

that aside, im feeling pretty upset that the holidays are coming to an end and i havent actually done anything that i really like other than going for picnic w max, jason and fiz. i honestly think that that was the high point of my entire holiday. i mean it was great, we soaked in the sun and had really good roasted chicken- two in fact. YUMYUM. plus i got to carry my totally gay picnic basket and not get judged because its so motherfreaking ass huge and gay.

ok im bored already. i have a very short attention span on things right now..
anw im ending my post with this picture because its true and i think its also true when people say "people only treasure things when they are gone" too bad baby, you snooze, you lose. i gave you too many chances and i wont be the one to say " i told you so " right now.
 p.s. i want to iceskate someone bring me please.