Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 2 - your breakfast

on the top, eggs benedict, on the bottom, is big breakfast.
this was the breakfast that i had in malacca last week :-) casa del rio is definately the hotel you want to choose for your holiday as it has one of the best services, the staffs are all friendly and approachable. ** plus points. on top of that, they serve English breakfast and a buffet spread is also included! ^^

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


since im so friggin bored and i shall do this. it is a 30 day photo challenge.
day 1 is suppose to be a photo of you.

its not the nicest picture or whatever. oh well.


saw someone twitting about how he dislike stupid people and how he cant tolerate people with low standards of English. Then he twitted that too much of LDL (low-density lipoproteins) will cause it to convert into HDL (high-density lipoproteins); which is obviously wrong on all accounts. he is also a self-proclaimed dietician.

for starters, i usually don't bother about such things, especially since he isnt talking about me, but who gave him the permission to call people stupid just because of their poor, horrid standards of english. just because you are well versed in english language doesnt give you the right to look down on other people that arent.

For your information, too much of LDL will not cause it to convert into HDL. LDL is actually the type of lipoprotein that is mainly composed of cholesterol. HDL is the lipoprotein that removes the cholesterol from the cells and carry it back to the liver for recycling or disposal. Having said that, you obviously want more of HDL in your body. High LDL cholesterol is associated with high risk of  heart attack, whereas high HDL cholesterol seems to have a protective effect.

so much for calling others stupid now, isnt it?